When you think about the major organs in your body, you likely think first about your heart, lungs or brain. Would it surprise you to learn that your skin is actually the largest organ?
It’s also one of the most important: It has many functions that support your overall health. That’s why skin care is so important. It not only improves the appearance of your skin but also protects one of your most essential organs.
Below, learn what you need to know about skin care and what measures you can take to keep your skin healthy.
Even though skin is less than 2 millimeters thick at most, it’s still the largest organ. Skin consists of 3 different layers:
Skin thickness varies depending on its location (it’s thicker on the palms of your hands and soles of your feet, for instance), as well as based on your age and sex. If you’re over 50, you’ll generally have thinner skin than younger people. Men also tend to have thicker skin than women.
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The most obvious function of your skin is to create a barrier between your muscles, tendons, nerves, and vascular system and the outside world. But that’s far from your skin’s only job. Here’s what else it does:
Your skin even contains tiny muscular structures called arrector pili muscles that control the position of hairs. These are the muscles that activate when you feel stressed, nervous or cold (a reaction commonly known as “goose bumps” or “goose pimples”).
As you age, your skin loses fat and becomes thinner, and that can lead to wrinkles and more dryness. Age spots may appear on your skin as well, which are often caused by years of sun exposure. These appear most often on the face, hands, arms, back and feet.
Skin tags may start showing up as well. These small flesh-colored growths are generally harmless. They tend to pop up on your eyelids, neck, armpits, groin and chest.
Wound prevention and care are especially important as you get older. Thinning skin is more prone to cuts and bruises, and healing can take up to 4 times longer than it would in younger people. If you have blood vessel issues, immune system difficulties or diabetes, healing may be even slower.
Because of that, adopting healthy lifestyle habits, such as exercising regularly and not smoking, is key. It’s also important to treat skin gently (avoid harsh scrubs or products) and moisturize often.
There are numerous issues that can affect your skin and the way it functions. The most common ones tend to be:
There are also conditions that can affect the skin’s appearance but aren’t considered skin conditions. For example, jaundice is a buildup of the pigment bilirubin in the body that turns the skin yellowish. But it originates with problems in the liver, not the skin. And red, itchy rashes might indicate allergies or infections, while a red “butterfly” rash on the face can be a sign of lupus, an autoimmune disease that occurs when your immune system attacks your own body’s tissues and organs.
The main cause of skin cancer is overexposure to UV light, mostly from sunshine, although it can also happen from too much time in tanning beds. People of any color can get skin cancer, although those with fair skin and freckles have the highest risk. That’s because they have less melanin, a pigment that helps protect against the sun’s harmful rays.
There are 3 main types of skin cancer:
Melanoma is considered the most dangerous type of skin cancer, because it can spread more rapidly to other organs. The first 2 types are more common, but they don’t often spread to other parts of the body.
Early detection is key when addressing any type of skin cancer — and because skin cancer is rarely painful, the first step is to look for changes to your skin. You’ll want to pay particular attention to sores that don’t heal or moles that are growing or bleeding. Check birthmarks and moles for these changes:
If you have any of these signs, see a dermatologist. This skin specialist can diagnose and help treat any suspicious spots.
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First let’s clarify: You do need some sun exposure so your body can produce vitamin D, which helps strengthen your immune system, bones and teeth. But that doesn’t mean more is better. To keep your skin protected, consider these steps:
Although products like moisturizers and sunscreen are important for better skin care, lifestyle habits also make a big difference in your skin’s health. Experts agree that these everyday strategies can have a major impact on your skin, as well as every other system and organ in your body:
These strategies have all been shown to improve your skin, because they reduce inflammation, make your immune response more effective and improve blood flow. Those responses can give your skin a healthy glow and support your overall health in numerous ways. Other skin care tips that can benefit your skin’s texture, strength and color:
Mild skin issues — such as an occasional acne flare-up, contact dermatitis from touching irritating plants while outdoors, or age-related changes like wrinkles and age spots — don’t usually require a trip to the doctor or dermatologist. But if you’re seeing changes that could suggest skin cancer, or if you’re concerned about issues that don’t seem to be getting better, consider seeing a dermatologist to get to the root of the problem.
See a dermatologist where and when it works for you. Learn about our HealthiestYou telehealth membership, which starts as low as $20/month, or call 1-844-211-7730 for more information.
For informational purposes only. This information is compiled by UnitedHealthcare and does not diagnose problems or recommend specific treatment. Services and medical technologies referenced herein may not be covered under your plan. Please consult directly with your primary care physician if you need medical advice.
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